And I have the badge to prove it! Thank you, Dad's Second Whatever, for the lovely award. I'm meant to list five obsessions and five blogs I enjoy, but can I do three and three? I'm still getting my bearings in this little corner of the blogosphere.
My obsessions:
1. My family. Moving halfway across the world and settling into my new role as a wife and stepmother in a new country hasn't exactly been a cakewalk, but my family back in the States and here in Scotland have been so supportive of me as I make this transition. Extra points must be awarded to my husband, who routinely goes above and beyond in his supportiveness and wonderfulness (that's now officially a word). I'm so lucky to have found him.
2. Learning new skills. I am truly obsessed with picking up new skills. Languages are a big love of mine (I speak Russian, am currently brushing up on my once-fabulous Spanish skills and trying to learn some conversational French) and so are music (I'm okay at guitar, flute and piano, building up my banjo skills) and cooking (I just love it!). The only problem is, it's hard to get really good at any one thing when I keep getting distracted by new skills to learn! Could I have adult ADD? Don't answer that.
3. Travel. I'm lucky that I get to travel for work, because I love just about every part of it: being in airports, staying in hotels, and learning firsthand about other cultures. I could do without the jetlag, but every occupation has its downfalls. My only wish is that I had more time/money for personal travel with my family. There are all kinds of places we'd love to explore together. Someday!
Blogs I enjoy:
1. Dad's Second Whatever, and not just because she gave me a lovely award. I'm still in my first year of stepmotherhood and still trying to figure everything out. She's been at it for a while longer and are quite an inspiration to me in that respect.
2. Family in Bloom. I just found her about an hour ago, but I like what I've read so far. I look forward to reading more!
3. La Belle Mere. She's British (I'm not, but I'm here on this island, too!) and we're friends on Stepchicks. I admire her energy.
Thank you for the nice words....this is my first time finding your site as well! Glad to have "met" you on here : ) and I like what I'm reading. I've always wanted to visit England/ just seems like a beautiful place!!!
Hello! You're very welcome. Britain is beautiful and the more time I spend here, the more I like it. :)
Well done on your award! If they gave them out for BEING a stepmom as well as writing about being a stepmom you'd be in the all-time Hall of Fame already!
Well thank you very much, my not-at-all-biased husband! xxx
Ooooh, have just found your award!! Fank ooo!!! I love it. xxx
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