Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wind change

This blog is starting to look abandoned!  I assue you it is not, but I am thinking about taking it in a new direction.  The thing is, I'm just not that keen on talking about my family life in a huge public forum like this...not that I ever did it that much, anyway!  I've been sewing like crazy lately and I might start talking about that a bit more.  If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, there won't be any hard feelings if you unfollow me.  I'll still be as much of a stepmom (or stepmum) as ever, but I'll be talking about it less.
Speaking of sewing and my stepchildren, look at these duvet covers I recently finished for the guys.  I'm so proud of them and I might make a future post in which I share the pattern, because I mostly made it up as I went along.

From this awesome football fabric, purchased on my last trip back to Seattle, I made...

This duvet cover for my younger stepson.

And from this fabric, which is perfect for my older stepson...

I made a duvet cover for him, too.

I'm very proud of these and the boys love them.  And on that note, I'm off to work.  Did I mention I'm working in a fabric store when I'm not touring?  It's a dangerous place to be, let me tell you...


Motownrunner said...

Wow! I feel that way about my blog too....starting to feel like writing about step issues is not exactly what I want to focus on but rather random cool things. I love your duvet covers!! Well done!!

Anonymous said...

Loving the covers. Very impressive.

jackie said...

I love your blog! whichever way you decide to go will be great- I am also a stepmom- please look at my blog- I am trying to increase my followers and would love for you to be a follower. Thanks-