Friday, March 30, 2012

A weekend away

I'm off to Italy this afternoon to seek out a bit of mental space.  I hear they have a lot of it there.  It's not quite Seattle, but it's what I can manage in terms of time and money right now.  So Milan and Venice, here I come.  I'll be back Monday night, hopefully refreshed and out of my funk.  Funk the funk, that's what I say.


Tamster the Hamster said...

Enjoy your trip! LUCKY! So beautiful! I'm a stepmom too & it's not always easy, so you deserve it. Hopefully it helps the funk you're in. Have fun!

Suddenly Stepmom said...

Thank you so much, and I'm sorry it took me most of this year to reply. Venice was lovely, but it would have been much better with my husband. I wouldn't go back alone!